Featured Game: High Five
High Five Game: takes the gridlock game to new heights as students create coordinate grid buildings.   Students continue to place cm cubes on the coordinates created by tossing two dice but in this game, they can pile cm cubes on top of each other to create buildings.   The first player to place a cube that creates a four-story building wins the game.   Add the data collection exercise so that students analyze the probability of this 3-D experience.
- Download the High Five Game directions, gamemat and recording sheet.
Geometry Games
These games support student development of spatial sense and foster familiarity with the mathematical vocabulary of geometry.
Coordinate Geometry Games
- Download the Grab the Candy Game: students toss two dice (one regular and one A-F) in this fun game that introduces students to coordinate graphing in the spaces.   Students form a coordinate pair based on the dice toss and place a marker on that space, if possible.   If the space holds a candy, they grab the candy for a quick five points.   Create A-F dice using plain dice or purchase small wooden cubes at a craft store to make the dice.   PDF contains game mat, directions, candy squares and recording sheet.
- Download the Gridlock Jr. Game: students toss two dice to form a coordinate pair then place a marker on the corresponding square of the coordinate grid.   First player to get three markers in a row horizontally, vertically or diagonally wins the game. PDF contains game mat, directions and recording sheet.
- Download the The Gridlock Game: was developed to provide fun practice of the coordinate grid.   Students toss two dice, form a coordinate pair and place a marker on that intersection.   Students alternate turns, each trying to be the first to get four markers in a row horizontally, vertically or diagonally.
- Download the High Five Game which takes the Gridlock Game to new heights as students create coordinate grid buildings.   Students continue to place markers on the coordinates created by tossing two dice but in this game, they can pile markers (small cubes) on top of each other to create buildings.   The first player to place a marker that creates a four-story building wins the game.   Add the data collection exercise so that students analyze the probability of this 3-D experience.
- Download the Capture the Penguins Game: students toss two dice (one regular and one A-F) in this fun game that introduces students to coordinate graphing in the spaces.   Students form a coordinate pair based on the dice toss and capture a penguin, if possible.   If the space holds a penguin, they capture the penguin for quick points.   Create A-F dice using plain dice or purchase small wooden cubes at a craft store to make the dice.   PDF contains game mat, directions, penguin markers and recording sheet.
- Download Capture the Penguins 6x6 game mat. Students use 2 regular dice to graph traditional coordinate pairs at intersections.
- NOTE: Penguins pictured to the right were created by painting wooden clothespins and doll stands, both readily available at craft stores.
- See more Coordinate Geometry Activities.
- Shape Capture Game is a simplified version of Battleship in which each partner plots a quadrilateral then tries to guess both the location and type of quadrilateral his/her opponent drew. Each player names an ordered pair and marks the gamesheet to record whether the point is a vertex, inside, outside or on the lines of the quadrilateral. Play alternates back and forth until one player has found all four vertices and correctly identifies his/her opponent's quadrilateral.
Geometry Game Links
- Play Battleship Game online.
- Online directions for the Polygon Quilt Game challenge students to alternate shading in triangles on the Polygon Quilt game mat.   Once the entire game mat is shaded in the two colors, students award points for each 4-triangle shape they managed to create.   The game provides practice in recognizing different orientations of basic shapes.   Students are also challenged to strategize: planning ahead to create shapes with the most value rather than randomly coloring in shapes.
- Download the Polygon Quilt game mat to be used for several rounds of the Polygon Quilt game.