Featured Book: From One to One Hundred
From One to One Hundred by Teri Sloat
This counting book is a mathematical adventure in counting by 1s from 1-10 and then by 10s from 10-100. Readers are challenged to find and count the objects listed at the bottom of each page. The illustrations are beautiful and young students will enjoy finding and counting all of the objects in the numbered illustrations, especially as the numbers get closer to 100.
The book is a great addition to any math library and one that students will reach for again and again by choice. Make reading this book aloud a part of your hundredth day celebration but be sure to place the book in the math center so that students can actually point and count the various objects in the illustrations.

One Hundred Shoes by Charles Ghigna, illustrated by Bob Staake
After reading One Hundred Shoes, by Charles Ghigna, lead students to complete the 100 shoes activity. This centipede activity has both number sense and patterning components so students have a rich mathematical tie-in to the book.
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100 Shoes centipede math activity.
Miss Bindergarten Celebrates the 100th Day by Joseph Slate, illustrated by Ashley Wolff

Classes that celebrate the 100th day by asking students to bring in collections of 100 things will find this book a good introduction to the activity.
- See Ashley Wolff's 100th Day Suggestions
- Visit Teacher Vision's
The Miss Bindergarten Kindergarten Series for additional 100th Day activity suggestions for this book.
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100 Tally Marks so that students can make 100 tally marks to celebrate the 100th day of school. NOTE: This handout may be cut apart and pasted in a streamer to create the newspaper hats in the Miss Bindergarten book.

The Wolf's Chicken Stew by Keiko Kasza
The wolf pursues a chicken for his chicken stew, but he decides to fatten up the chicken first. He delivers 100 pancakes one night, 100 doughnuts the next, and a 100-pound cake the next night. But, when the wolf finally goes to claim his fattened chicken, he's in for a surprise.
- Measurement & Estimation:
- Students estimate how tall the stack of 100 pancakes would be, based on a sample pile of 5-10. Would the wolf be able to carry the 100 pancakes on a plate?
- Could the wolf carry 100 donuts alone?
- How heavy is a 100-lb. cake? Let students lift different hand-weights, small dumbbells, 5-lb. sacks of flour, etc. to get a "feel" for the weight of a 100-lb. cake. Many students might quickly figure out that the cake weighs more than they do!

- Money: how much would the 100 doughnuts cost if the wolf bought them at Dunkin' Donuts or a similar donut shop? Would he have enough to buy them with a $100 bill?
- Visit
The Wolf's Chicken Stew One Hundredth Day Celebration to see how one kindergarten teacher celebrates by reading the book and then making 100 pancakes with students. They also graph their favorite foods.
- Extending the story: if the student were the chicken, what 100 things would he/she want the wolf to bring for them to eat? Students should write a new 100 things page and draw a picture for the class book.
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100 Things We Wish the Wolf Had Brought cover and student page with story line to be completed along with an illustration of the student's 100 things.
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One Hundred Hungry Ants by Elinor J. Pinczes

- After reading One Hundred Hungry Ants, ask students to draw and label arrays for all of the different ways 100 ants could march in full rows. Challenge students to write a multiplication number sentence to match each array.
- See
additional activities for this book.
100 Days of Cool by Stuart J. Murphy

Four students think Mrs. Lopez is going to have them celebrate 100 days of cool, so they arrive the first day in wild outfits. The numberline countdown to the 100th day continues as they struggle to think up new "cool" outfits each day. After making it to the 100th day party, the students question what they'll do tomorrow now that the cool stuff is over.
- See additional activities in the back of this book, as with all Stuart J. Murphy MathStart books or visit Stuart J. Murphy website to view suggested activities for his books.
Domino Trains

- Consider using Murphy's Domino train idea to celebrate the 100th day of school. Students must make a domino train by placing dominoes end-to-end. The train must have exactly 100 pips or dots.
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Domino Trains template for students to use to record their 100-dot trains. Students draw in the dots, then cut apart on the dotted lines and assemble to create long trains.
- Younger students may record the number of dots beneath each domino and use calculators to verify the 100 dots answer to their long number sentence.
- Teachers might create a class list of "different ways to make 100" by collecting student number sentences from their domino trains.
- Challenge students to find the shortest train possible.
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100th Day of School Math-Literature Connections:

- Centipede's One Hundred Shoes by Tony Ross
- Emily's First 100 Days of School by Rosemary Wells
- From One to One Hundred(Picture Puffins) by Teri Sloat
- I'll Teach My Dog 100 Words (Bright & Early Books) by Michael Frith
- Miss Bindergarten Celebrates the 100th Day of Kindergarten by Joseph Slate
- 100 Days of School by Trudy Harris
- One Hundred Days (Plus One) by Margaret McNamara
- 100th Day Worries by Margery Cuyler
- One Hundred Shoes (Step-into-Reading, Step 2) by Charles Ghigna
- The Night Before the 100th Day of School (Reading Railroad Books) by Natasha Wing
- The 100th Day of School (Hello Reader, Level 2) by Angela Shelf Medearis
- The 100th Day of School! by Matt Mitter
- The Wolf's Chicken Stew by Keiko Kasza