Math Music Topics
Many students learn through music. Witness the number of adults who easily sing the ABC song with their own children. Composers are beginning to develop math-specific songs to help students learn math concepts and skills. Whether teachers use a song to introduce or reinforce a concept, or as a regular part of calendar time, students are bound to benefit from the multi-sensory experience.
- Number & Operations
- Patterns & Algebra
- Geometry & Measurement
- Data Analysis, Probability & Discrete Math
- Calendar Math
- Math Lyrics
- Links
Number & Operations

Bottles of Pop [number line] from BBC
Hopping on the Number Line [integers] from Harcourt School Publishers
How Easy Is That? [add & subtract fractions] from Harcourt School Publishers
How Many Is Too Many [reasonable estimates] from Harcourt School Publishers
Make Change [money] from Harcourt School Publishers
The Number Line March from Harcourt School Publishers
Pennies, Nickels, Dimes and Quarters from Harcourt School Publishers
Sign of the Minus from BBC
Sign of the Plus from BBC
Skipping Song [skip counting] from Harcourt School Publishers
Take It Away [subtraction] from Harcourt School Publishers
Ten and Something More [numbers 11-20] from Harcourt School Publishers
Ten Tens from Harcourt School Publishers
Two and Two [doubles] from Harcourt School Publishers
We Hang Together [fact families] from Harcourt School Publishers
Patterns & Algebra
I Repeat [patterns] from Harcourt School Publishers
Keeping it True [algebra] from Harcourt School Publishers
The Mystery Number [variables] from Harcourt School Publishers
No Equal Sign [expressions] from Harcourt School Publishers
Geometry & Measurement
Get to the Point [coordinate pairs] from Harcourt School Publishers
Measure and Measure [measurement] from Harcourt School Publishers
A Minute Seems Like a Minute [time relationships] from Harcourt School Publishers
Same Shape, Same Size [similar and congruent figures] from Harcourt School Publishers
What Am I? [solid figures] from Harcourt School Publishers
Data Analysis, Probability & Discrete Math
In a Nutshell [mean, median, mode] from Harcourt School Publishers
The Red Ones Go with the Red Ones [sorting] from Harcourt School Publishers
Sally Had a Birthday Cake [equal shares] from Harcourt School Publishers
Calendar Math
- Mrs. Meacham's
Calendar Songs & Poems include songs to learn the Days of the Week, Months of the Year, Birthdays, Teeth, Weather, and Seasons
Months, Days of the Week from CanTeach

Math Lyrics
Multiplying Integers to the tune of Dem Bones
Y=mx +b to the tune of YMCA
Graphing a line in y=mx+b form to the tune of Old McDonald Had a Farm
Math Songs Sing-a-Long [Algebra & beyond]
Mathematical Poems and Songs
- Vicki Young's
Math Songs and Poems
Check these websites for information on the math CD's and to preview many of the songs and lyrics.
Jack Hartmann: Songs for Teaching include these math CDs:
Math All Around Me: includes The Alligator Chomp [patterns], Shake Your Shape, Birthdays, Count by 2s, Count by 5s, Countdown to Blastoff
Math in Motion: includes Count by 10s, Counting 1-20, That Makes Cents to Me
Movin' 2 Math: includes Mr. Alligator Can Chomp Song [greater and less than]
Multiply by Music
- Steven Fite's
Havin' Fun & Feelin Groovy includes: Seven Days a Week to the tune of the Beatle's Eight Days a Week, Twelve Months in a Year which includes both English and Spanish months and What's the Weather Outside
- Jennifer Fixman's
We Love Math with Miss Jenny: includes Zero, the Hero, 100 Days of School, Money, Double It Up, The Pizza-Eating Alligator
- Judy & David's
Math Jam CDs