Rubrics: Grades K-8
General Problem-Solving Rubrics
These links are general problem-solving rubrics in different formats.
Exemplars Primary Rubric: Jigsaw Rubric
Exemplars Thermometer Rubric
Exemplars Student Rubric: words only
Exemplars Classic Math Rubric
Exemplars Revised NCTM Standard Rubric
Grades 3 & 4 "Student Friendly" Mathematics Scoring Rubric [Illinois]
Rubrics and Checklists include rubrics for mathematical project report, mathematical writing to inform and tessellations.
See Math Rubrics on Chicago Public Schools Rubric Bank: a compilation of Math rubrics from many different states.
NWREL Mathematics Problem-Solving Scoring Guide
Creating Rubrics

These links discuss creating your own rubrics for student performance assessment tasks.
Chicago Public Schools Ideas & Rubrics webpage addresses how to write a rubric from scratch.
Recommendations for Developing Classroom Performance Assessments and Scoring Rubrics by Barbara Moskel discusses developing assessment tasks, rubrics and scoring these items.
Rubric Templates

These links help teachers create their own rubrics for student performance assessment tasks.
Create Your Own Rubric provides a template and prompts to create a rubric from scratch.
Rubric Builder allows teachers to build rubrics and make them available on the web.