Standard: Number and Operations
Read the NCTM Number and Operations Standard: Instructional programs from prekindergarten through grade 12 should enable all students to:
- Understand numbers, ways of representing numbers, relationships among numbers, and number systems
- Understand meanings of operations and how they relate to one another
- Compute fluently and make reasonable estimates

Featured Activity: Hundred Board Logic Problems
The hundred board is an important tool in mathematics.   Young students use this tool to order numbers, to count on, to skip count, and to add or subtract by moving ahead or moving back.   Older students use the hundred board to study factors and multiples.
Through consistent use of this tool, students begin to appreciate the embedded patterns and use these patterns to solve problems.   Hundred Board Logic Problems build on these patterns and require students to apply the mathematical concepts they have learned.
Strategy: Students use a hundred board to eliminate numbers after reading each clue. Students must apply their knowledge of even-odd, multiples and place value to successfully eliminate numbers until the solution is revealed.
- See more information and download Hundred Board Logic Problems
- Download Hundred Board Template for student use in sheet protector.
Number & Operations Activities

Each of these Mathwire.com webpages discusses activities and games that support student development of number sense and the concept of mathematical operations.   Pictures on each webpage capture students doing the activity or represent student work.   PDF files are available for download with game mats, directions, recording sheets, etc. as required by each game or activity.
- Addition & Subtraction Games encourages students to practice basic fact mastery in a game format.
- Basic Facts Fluency discusses games, centers and activities to help students acquire mastery of basic facts.
- Counting Games help young students acquire one-to-one correspondence and develop concrete meaning for numbers.
- Fractions addresses fraction models, activities, problem solving, games, writing to learn, fraction templates, math-literature connections, and web links.
- Games to Practice Multiplication Facts include Factor Blaster, Who Has? multiplication decks and links to additional online games.
- Hundred Board Activities include hundred board puzzles, the Swiper missing numbers activity and How the Stars Fell into the Sky.
- More Hundred Board Activities include Hundred Board Magic about arrow patterns on the hundred board, Rocky Raccoon missing number puzzles, and suggestions for center activities.
- Hundred Board Logic Problems requires students to use clues to eliminate numbers until the solution is revealed.
- Intervention Strategies: this series offers suggestions and activities to help teachers differentiate instruction to effectively target individual students' specific needs.
- Math Mats Resources: this series addresses the strategy of using math mats to help students develop deep understanding of important mathematical concepts.
- Money Activities & Strategies includes strategies, activities and money games as well as links to math-literature connections for teaching money.
- Morning Math Routines includes pictures and descriptions of morning math routines that help students develop strong number sense through these daily activities: growing number line, school day count, calendar, coins for the date(school day), weather graph or tally and class attendance count.

- Multiplication and Division Games encourage students to use basic facts to score the most points in math games.
- Number Sense Activities include Climb the Ladder, and assessments to measure student proficiency in generating equivalent names for numbers.
- More Number Sense Activities include games to develop number sense and fluency: Contig, 24 Game and Tribulation.
- Number Sense Games
- Place Value Activities include a School Day Count routine, place value games, Who Has? place value decks and problem solving tasks that assess student understanding of place value.
- More Place Value Activities include Number Line-Up, Build a Number, Decimal Build a Number, place value games and problem solving tasks.
- Place Value Games help students develop the concept of place value as they arrange digits to create the smallest or largest numbers.
- Who Has? Activities include discussion of the use of Who Has? decks to practice basic facts, classroom management ideas and assorted Who Has? decks to download.   The decks are designed to be printed on 2x4 inch labels which can then be pasted onto index cards to create each deck.

Additional Mathwire.com Resources
- See more Number & Numerical Operations Math Templates: insert in sheet protectors for student use with dry erase markers or for teacher use as overhead transparencies.
- See Problem Solving Resources for open-ended assessments that involve number and numerical operations.
- See all Number & Numerical Operations Games.
- See Literature Connections for number and numerical operations.
- See more Number & Numerical Operations Links.
- See all Enrichment Activities for number and numerical operations.
- See Active Participation: Using Math Templates for information on using math templates to encourage active participation and to check student understanding throughout instruction.