- Active Participation: Using Math Templates discusses this effective strategy for increasing student participation in math lessons
- Addition & Subtraction Games
Addition Deck for Who Has? game (25 cards)
Addition Doubles deck for Who Has? game formatted to print on 2x4 inch labels which can easily be affixed to index cards to create the deck.
Addition Doubles deck for Who Has? game in grid form designed to be printed on card stock, laminated and cut apart to form a smaller deck.
- Alexander, Who Used to Be Rich Last Sunday: book information and math activities
- Algebra: Growing Patterns investigate this algebraic concept using concrete manipulatives and pictures
Algebra Variable Expression Deck for Who Has? game
- Archives of Mathwire.com: Monthly Topics and New on Mathwire features
- Back-to-School Activities
- Back-to-School Issue: August 2006
- Back-to-School Issue: September 2007
Bar Graph Template
Bar Graph-Spinner Template
Base Ten Deck for Who Has? game
- Basic Facts Fluency
- Basic Facts Links
- Bat Jamboree: book information
- Bat Math
- Bat Math Theme Page
- Bats Around the Clock: book information
- Bats on Parade: book information
Batty Old Lady Math Probability activities
- The Biggest Pumpkin Ever: book information
- Calendar Routine
- Capture the Penguins Coordinate Graphing Game
- Catch the Gingerbread Men Game
- Catch the Spider Game practices coordinate graphing skills
- Cereal Toy Investigation includes lesson plan, handouts, and JAVA simulation to computer-generate cereal box purchases
- Chrysanthemum: book information and math activities
- Class Attendance Count Routine
- Climb the Ladder
Clock Template: analog and digital
- Clothespin Graphs
- Coins for the Date Routine
Coins sequence to create Who Has? coins deck using coin stickers or stamps
- Contig Game directions and PDF gameboard handout
- Contig Jr. Game directions and PDF gameboard handout
- Coordinate Geometry Activities include many games to practice coordinate pairs
- Coordinate Geometry Games
Coordinate Grid Template: 10x10 first quadrant only
Coordinate Grid Template: 15x15 first quadrant only
- Counting Games